note description: "[ A JJ_NODE_ITEM which can hold only a VIEWABLE_LEAF_NODE and placeable into a JJ_TREE_VIEW. ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" date: "$Date: 2012-03-16 14:05:07 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2012) $" revision: "$Revision: 7 $" class JJ_LEAF_NODE_ITEM inherit JJ_NODE_ITEM redefine set_actions, target, on_drop_node end create default_create feature {NONE} -- Initialization set_actions -- Add actions to the widget, but... -- remove the actions which will accept a drop of a node, because -- we cannot add a child node to the `target'. -- This does not prevent adding other drop actions, even a drop of -- a node as long as it doesn't add a child node to `target'. do Precursor {JJ_NODE_ITEM} -- clear the drop actions. This is safe at this time because -- JJ_NODE_ITEM only adds one drop action which is the one that -- must be removed anyway. drop_actions.wipe_out end feature -- Access target: NODE -- The node which is displayed by Current. feature -- Testing for now on_drop_node (a_node: NODE) -- Can this be done? do check do_not_call: False end end end