note description: "[ Objects placeable into an EV_TREE, more specifically into a JJ_TREE_VIEW (a VIEW that holds VIEWABLE_NODEs). This is the screen representatin of a VIEWABLE_NODE. ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" date: "21 Apr 06" class JJ_NODE_ITEM inherit -- EV_STOCK_COLORS -- rename -- implementation as colors_implementation -- export -- {NONE} all -- undefine -- default_create, -- copy, -- is_equal -- end EV_TREE_ITEM redefine initialize, item, parent_tree, -- to get correct type wipe_out, destroy, is_destroyed end VIEW rename parent as parent_from_view_not_to_be_used undefine -- default_create, is_equal, copy redefine initialize, target, set_target, draw, parent_tool, destroy, is_destroyed end create default_create feature {NONE} -- Initialization initialize -- Create an instance. do Precursor {VIEW} Precursor {EV_TREE_ITEM} -- enable_pebble_positioning -- set_pebble_position (0, 0) set_actions end set_actions -- Add actions to the widget do pick_actions.force_extend (agent enable_select) drop_actions.extend (agent on_drop_node) pointer_double_press_actions.force_extend (agent on_double_click) end feature -- Access target: NODE -- The node which is displayed by Current. level: INTEGER -- The indention level this node should occupy in the tree. item: JJ_NODE_ITEM -- Current item. -- Redefined to change the type do Result ?= Precursor {EV_TREE_ITEM} end parent_tree: JJ_TREE_VIEW -- Contains Current -- Redefined to change type. do Result ?= Precursor {EV_TREE_ITEM} end parent_tool: JJ_TREE_TOOL -- The TOOL which contains this view. -- Can not be Void. do Result := parent_tree.parent_tool ensure then result_exists: Result /= Void end feature -- Element change wipe_out -- Clean out the view do recursive_do_all (agent clear_viewables) -- remove_all_viewables Precursor {EV_TREE_ITEM} end clear_viewables (a_node: EV_TREE_NODE) -- local ti: JJ_NODE_ITEM do ti ?= a_node if ti /= Void then ti.remove_all_targets end end set_target (a_target: like target) -- Change `target' do Precursor {VIEW} (a_target) set_pebble (a_target) set_data (a_target) set_accept_cursor (yes_cursor (a_target)) set_deny_cursor (no_cursor (a_target)) -- if a_object.can_adopt then -- drop_actions.append (a_object.adopt_actions) -- end draw end set_level (a_level: INTEGER) -- Change `level' do level := a_level ensure level_was_set: level = a_level end feature -- Status is_viewing_ancestors: BOOLEAN -- Are the nodes in the tree sorted by anscestors? is_destroyed: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' no longer usable? do Result := Precursor {VIEW} and Precursor {EV_TREE_ITEM} end feature -- Status setting destroy -- Destroy underlying native toolkit object. -- Render `Current' unusable. do Precursor {VIEW} Precursor {EV_TREE_ITEM} end view_ancestors -- Make the view display ancestor nodes do is_viewing_ancestors := True end view_descendants -- Make the view dispay descendant nodes do is_viewing_ancestors := False end feature -- Querry has_object_item (a_target: NODE): BOOLEAN -- Does Current contain an item with `target' equal to `a_target'? require target_exists: a_target /= Void do from start until Result or else exhausted loop Result := = a_target forth end end feature -- Basic operations draw -- Add children of `' to the tree local n: NODE n_list: LINEAR [NODE] ti: JJ_NODE_ITEM pix: EV_PIXMAP p_view: JJ_TREE_VIEW p_tool: TOOL p_win: JJ_MAIN_WINDOW do if parent_tree /= Void then p_view := parent_tree p_tool := p_view.parent_tool p_win ?= p_tool.parent_window -- p_win ?= parent_window if p_view /= Void and then p_win /= Void then --p_view.is_displayed and p_win /= Void then -- This check seems to be needed to keep the view from being drawn -- even when it is not shown. Evidently draw gets called even if -- the TREE in which Current resides is not in any JJ_MAIN_WINDOW. -- (`parent_window' relies on a recursive search for Current in -- any descendents. If no main_window has the tree in which Current -- resides then `parent_window' is Void n ?= check n_exists: n /= Void -- because the parent must be a NODE_TREE_VIEW and the -- `target' of it must be a NODE end if target /= Void then if n.descendants.has (target) then set_text (display_name (target)) else set_text (display_name (target) + " " + interface_table.short_name ("not in system text")) end pix := (interface_table.pixmap (display_name (target))).twin -- FIX ME!! Changing the pixmap in order to put a not simble over it if -- not in system seems to be causing problems. Specificly, it violates post- -- condition of `set_pixmap'. Work on this later, or do my own tree. -- pix.set_background_color (Red) -- pix.set_size (100, 300) ---- pix.fill_rectangle (pix.x_position + 5, pix.y_position, 100, 20) ---- pix.fill_rectangle (5, 0, 100, 20) -- pix.set_line_width (3) -- pix.draw_segment (0,0, pix.width, pix.height) remove_pixmap set_pixmap (pix) ---- pixmap.set_background_color (Red) ---- pixmap.set_size (100, pixmap.height) ---- pixmap.set_size (100, 100) ---- pixmap.fill_rectangle (pixmap.x_position + 5, pixmap.y_position, 100, 20) ---- pixmap.fill_rectangle (5, 0, 100, 20) ---- wipe_out if parent_tree.is_viewing_ancestors then n_list := target.parents else n_list := target.children end -- clean out items which should no longer be here end from start until exhausted loop if not n_list.has ( then item.wipe_out -- to remove all the views remove else forth end end -- Add new items from n_list.start until n_list.exhausted loop n := n_list.item -- n_list.forth if not has_object_item (n) then -- prevents duplicates ti := parent_tree.new_tree_item (n) extend (ti) ti.set_target (n) end n_list.forth end end end end feature {NONE} -- Actions on_drop_node (a_node: NODE) -- React to a drop of `a_node' by adding `a_node' as child to -- the `target'? local c: ADD_NODE_COMMAND do create c c.set_parent_node (target) c.set_child_node (a_node) command_manager.add_command (c) end on_double_click -- React to a mouse double click by opening a NAMER_VIEW. -- local -- nv: NAMER_VIEW do -- create nv -- nv.set_target (target) -- nv.set_position (50,50) end feature {NONE} -- Inaplicable parent_from_view_not_to_be_used: EV_CONTAINER -- Redefined to effect it (was deferred from VIEW); it -- does no good in this class as the parent of a EV_TREE_ITEM -- does not conform to the parent of most VIEWs which should -- be EV_CONTAINERs. do end end