note description: "[ This class adds some useful features to the ARRAY class. ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" date: "10/27/21" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2021, Jimmy J. Johnson" license: "Eiffel Forum v2 (" class JJ_ARRAY [G] inherit ARRAY [G] create make, make_filled, make_from_array, make_from_special, make_from_cil convert to_cil: {NATIVE_ARRAY [G]}, to_special: {SPECIAL [G]}, make_from_cil ({NATIVE_ARRAY [G]}) feature -- Measurement most_occuring_item: like item -- The item in Current that occurs the most times. -- If more than one item occurs the same most number of time, then -- the then the first of those items. require not_empty: not is_empty local i, j: INTEGER_32 n, c: INTEGER_32 index: INTEGER_32 do c := 0 n := 1 from i := 1 until i > count loop c := 1 from j := i + 1 until j > count loop if at (i) ~ at (j) then c := c + 1 end j := j + 1 end if c > n then index := i end i := i + 1 end check index_big_enough: index >= 1 end check index_small_enough: index <= count end Result := at (index) end unique_count: INTEGER_32 -- The number of items in Current that occur only once. local i, j: INTEGER_32 n: INTEGER_32 checked: ARRAYED_SET [like item] duplicate_found: BOOLEAN v: like item do create checked.make (count) from i := 1 until i > count loop n := 1 v := at (i) duplicate_found := False if not checked.has (v) then checked.extend (v) from j := i + 1 until duplicate_found or else j > count loop if at (i) ~ at (j) then duplicate_found := True end j := j + 1 end end if not duplicate_found then Result := Result + 1 end i := i + 1 end ensure result_large_enough: Result >= 0 result_small_enough: Result <= count all_unique_implication: end feature -- Status report is_all_same: BOOLEAN -- Are all the elements in Current equivalent? -- Uses object comparison to check sameness. local i: INTEGER a: G do -- Simple check if all are same as the first -- Assume true until finding a contradiction a := at (1) Result := True from i := 2 until not Result or else i > count loop Result := a ~ at (i) i := i + 1 end end is_all_different: BOOLEAN -- Are all the elements in Current different from each other? -- Uses object comparison not reference comparison. local i, j: INTEGER_32 a: G do -- Must check all against each of the others. -- Assume true until finding two that are the same. Result := True from i := 1 until i > count loop a := at (i) from j := i + 1 until not Result or else j > count loop Result := not (a ~ at (i)) j := j + 1 end i := i + 1 end end end