note description: "[ A Victory in the Pacific game. This class provides access to the game constants and game logic (i.e. is a particular action allowed for a unit?) ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" class VITP_GAME inherit POSITION_CONSTANTS undefine copy, is_equal redefine default_create end NATIONALITY_CONSTANTS undefine copy, is_equal redefine default_create end ATTACK_UNIT_ATTRIBUTES undefine copy, is_equal redefine default_create end PORT_ATTRIBUTES undefine copy, is_equal redefine default_create end SEA_AREA_ATTRIBUTES undefine copy, is_equal redefine default_create end OTHER_ATTRIBUTES undefine copy, is_equal redefine default_create end VITP_ITEM redefine default_create end create default_create feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Initialize Current local i, j: INTEGER c: VITP_CELL do create command_manager uuid := (create {UUID_GENERATOR}).generate_uuid name := uuid.out create c.make (0,0) create grid.make_filled (c, cell_row_count, cell_column_count) from i := 1 until i >= cell_row_count loop from j := 1 until j > cell_column_count loop create c.make ([i, j]) grid.put (c, i, j) j := j + 1 end i := i + 1 end game := Current end feature -- Access command_manager: COMMAND_MANAGER -- Keeps track of actions for undo/redo functionality name: STRING_8 -- The displayed name for this widget uuid: UUID -- Identifier for Current sequence_of_play: VITP_SEQUENCE_OF_PLAY -- Sequence of play for this game defining the order -- of actions. attribute create Result.make (Current) end locations: VITP_TABLE [LOCATION] -- Convenience feature containing all the board locations. -- Defined as attibute so all locations can be persisted. attribute create Result.make (100) Result.merge (sea_areas) Result.merge (major_ports) Result.merge (minor_ports) end feature -- Basic operations feature -- Query can_patrol (a_unit: ATTACK_UNIT): BOOLEAN -- Can `a_unit' be moved as a patroller? -- ... or can `a_unit' become a raider? do io.put_string ( + ".can_patrol: fix me! %N") -- Result := phase = Movement_phase and -- stage = Patrolling and -- ((player = Japanese_player and then a_unit.nationality = Japanese) or else -- (player = Allied_player and then is_allied_nationality (a_unit.nationality))) -- if Result and turn = 1 and player = Allied_player then -- Result := a_unit = De_ruyter or -- a_unit = Exeter or -- a_unit = Houston or -- a_unit = Australia or -- a_unit = Canberra -- end end feature -- Query cell (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32): VITP_CELL -- The cell indexed by `a_x' and `a_y' into which a -- unit may be placed require x_big_enough: a_x >= 1 x_small_enough: a_x <= cell_row_count y_big_enough: a_y >= 1 y_small_enough: a_y <= cell_column_count do Result := grid.item (a_x, a_y) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation grid: ARRAY2 [VITP_CELL] -- A two-dimensional array of coordinate-position cells -- which can possibly hold one {ATTACK_UNIT} end