note description: "[ Used with {EDITOR} classes to make EV_WIDGETs for displaying and editting an object. It is composed of an EV_TEXT_FIELD, `display' and an optional EV_LABEL, `label' which can be positioned to the top, left, right, or bottom of the `display'. A {CONTROL} can be created normally with `default_create' or using `create_from_field'. Feature `create_from_field' is used to allow creation of controls from a {SCHEMA} (a list of {FIELD}) for placement in an {DIALOG_EDITOR_VIEW} (a form maker). Features from `field' can then be used to determine placement, size, etc for the {CONTROL}. The object to be editted is placed into the control with feature `set_data' and is stored in `data' from ANY. The current `value' of the object can be obtained if `is_display_valid'. Feature `is_display_valid' is True when the string displayed in the `text' field of `display' can be converted into an object of the correct type. This convertion is ultimately done by feature `string_to_type' from class FIELD through `field'. ]" instructions: "[ To allow the editting of objects of types other than STRING, redefine `default_field', or create an heir of {FIELD}, redefine `type'. Feature `draw' takes care of checking the `values' type and putting into `display' the appropriate string if the type of the `value' does not conform to the control, or if there is no data, etc. If the data is good then `draw_display' is called to show the actual data. Therefore, do not redefine `draw'; redefine `draw_data'. ]" date: "5 Mar 03" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" copyright: "Copyright 2009, Jimmy J. Johnson" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)" URL: "$URL: file:///F:/eiffel_repositories/jj_vision/trunk/interface/controls/control.e $" date: "$Date: 2012-03-16 14:05:07 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2012) $" revision: "$Revision: 7 $" deferred class CONTROL inherit EV_STOCK_COLORS rename implementation as colors_implementation export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy, is_equal end -- Current must be an EV_WIDGET of some sort in order to be placed into -- and EV_CONTAINER. That's the whole point; do not delete EV_FIXED -- without adding some other widget. EV_FIXED redefine set_data, initialize, create_interface_objects, destroy, is_destroyed, is_in_default_state -- enable_sensitive, -- disable_sensitive, -- is_sensitive end feature {NONE} -- Initialization create_interface_objects -- Create objects to be used by `Current' in `initialize' -- Implemented by descendants to create attached objects -- in order to adhere to void-safety due to the implementation bridge pattern. do Precursor {EV_FIXED} create valid_change_actions create select_actions create label create display field := Default_field end initialize -- Set up the control do Precursor {EV_FIXED} label.set_minimum_width (1) label.set_minimum_height (1) display.set_minimum_height (20) display.set_minimum_width (50) extend (label) extend (display) -- descendents must create the `display' -- and set_actions for display. label_position := Label_top label.set_pebble_function (agent get_field) -- label.set_drag_and_drop_mode set_actions field.control_list.extend (Current) end make_from_field (a_field: like field) -- Create a control using the values in `a_field'. do default_create field := a_field field.control_list.extend (Current) end set_actions -- Add actions to the controls of Current. do display.change_actions.extend (agent on_display_changed) label.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_control_selected) display.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_control_selected) end feature -- Access value: ANY -- A new object created from the `text' in `display'. -- Normally only redefine to change the result type by using an -- assignment attempt on Precursor. This is to to preserve -- the "definition" post-condition. require display_is_valid: is_display_valid do Result := field.string_to_type (display.text) ensure valid_result: Result /= Void definition: equal (Result, field.string_to_type (display.text)) end field: like Default_field -- Dictates appearanced of current Control -- Redefine `Default_field' to change the type. valid_change_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be called when this control changes to a valid value. select_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be called when this control is selected feature -- Element change frozen set_data (a_data: ANY) -- Pass in any type of object and display the string representation -- of it by calling `refresh'. -- The argument can be Void as it will be checked on `refresh' and -- the control will so indicate. do Precursor {EV_FIXED} (a_data) refresh end set_label_top -- Make the 'label' appear to the top of the `display' do label_position := Label_top ensure label_position_correct: label_position = Label_top end set_label_bottom -- Make the 'label' appear to the bottom of the `display' do label_position := Label_bottom ensure label_position_correct: label_position = Label_bottom end set_label_left -- Make the `label' appear to the left of the `display'. do label_position := Label_left ensure label_position_correct: label_position = Label_left end set_label_right -- Make the 'label' appear to the right of the `display' do label_position := Label_right ensure label_position_correct: label_position = Label_right end set_label_none -- Make the 'label' not appear at all. Make a labelless control. do label_position := Label_none ensure label_position_correct: label_position = Label_none end feature -- Basic operations destroy -- Remove Current from the `control_list' in `field' when -- the underlying graphical object is destroyed. do Precursor {EV_FIXED} field.control_list.prune (Current) ensure then control_not_in_list: not field.control_list.has (Current) end build -- Position and size the `label' and `display' based on -- values in `field'. local fh: INTEGER f: EV_FONT s_size: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] do label.set_text (field.label) set_item_height (label, (label.font.height).max (label.minimum_height)) set_item_width (label, (label.font.string_width (label.text)).max (label.minimum_width)) -- set_item_height (display, field.height.item.max (display.minimum_height)) set_item_width (display, field.width.item.max (display.minimum_width)) -- Set the height of the font in `display'. fh := field.height.item f := display.font.twin f.set_height (fh.max (1)) -- `max' to meet precondition h > 0 display.set_font (f) -- Use any string because all I need is the height a string -- would be if it were displayed in that font. I can't use -- display.text because when the control is first built there -- may not be any text in it. s_size := f.string_size ("This is a STRING.") check attached {INTEGER_REF} s_size.item (2) as dh then -- because result of `string_size' is a TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] set_item_height (display, dh.item.max (display.minimum_height)) end -- Place the label in the correct possition. inspect label_position when Label_left then set_item_position (label, 0, 0) set_item_position (display, label.x_position + label.width, 0) set_minimum_width (label.width + display.width) set_minimum_height ((display.height).max (label.height)) when Label_top then set_item_position (label, 0, 0) set_item_position (display, 0, label.font.height) set_minimum_width ((display.width).max (label.width)) set_minimum_height (display.height + label.height) when Label_right then set_item_position (label, field.width.item.max (display.minimum_width), 0) set_item_position (display, 0, 0) set_minimum_width (label.width + display.width) set_minimum_height ((display.height).max (label.height)) when Label_bottom then set_item_position (label, 0, field.height.item.max (display.minimum_height)) set_item_position (display, 0, 0) set_minimum_width ((display.width).max (label.width)) set_minimum_height (display.height + label.height) when Label_none then set_item_height (label, label.minimum_height) set_item_width (label, label.minimum_width) set_item_position (label, 0, 0) set_minimum_width (display.width) set_minimum_height (display.height) else check should_not_happen: False end end end frozen refresh -- Displays the string representation of `data'. -- Normally do not redefine; redefine `load_display' instead. do display.change_actions.block -- change_actions.block if field.is_calculated then -- display.disable_sensitive else display.enable_sensitive end if field.is_calculated then display.set_text ("{CONTROL}.refresh -- fix me") -- display.set_text (field.function_result_as_string) elseif attached data as d then display.set_text (field.type_to_string (d)) else display.set_text ("Void") end build_colors -- change_actions.resume display.change_actions.resume end feature -- Query is_display_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is the representation in `display' valid for -- object of `Type' based on `field'? -- Default is True because assumes `Type' is an ANY. do Result := not equal (display.text, Void_representation) and then field.is_valid_data (display.text) end feature -- Status report is_in_default_state: BOOLEAN = True -- redefined to make it get past the Eiffel Vision2 -- post condition of `default create'. is_destroyed: BOOLEAN -- Is current usable as a widget? do Result := Precursor {EV_FIXED} and not field.control_list.has (Current) end -- is_sensitive: BOOLEAN is -- -- Is the object sensitive to user input? -- do -- Result := display.is_sensitive -- end -- --feature -- Status setting -- -- enable_sensitive is -- -- Make the `display' sensitive to user input. -- do -- display.enable_sensitive -- end -- -- disable_sensitive is -- -- Make the `display' unresponsive to user input. -- do -- display.disable_sensitive -- end feature {NONE} -- Implementation load_display (a_value: STRING) -- Put `a_value' into `display'. -- This feature should be called when redefining. -- require -- value_exists: a_value /= Void do display.set_text (a_value.out) end build_colors -- Change display to red if the `text' in `display' -- (not necessarilly the same `data' that is in -- Current) is not valid. do if is_display_valid then display.set_foreground_color (Black) else display.set_foreground_color (Red) end end get_field: like field -- Getter function for `field' so can use `set_pebble_function'. -- `set_pebble_function' cannot take an attribute such as -- `field' as a parameter; it must be a function. do Result := field end refresh_dependent_controls -- Refresh all other controls which are dependent on -- this one. Called when display changes. local c_list: LINKED_LIST [CONTROL] c: CONTROL do c_list := field.controls_dependent from c_list.start until c_list.exhausted loop c := c_list.item if c /= Current then c.refresh end c_list.forth end end on_display_changed -- Update because something was done in the control do build_colors refresh_dependent_controls if is_display_valid then ([Current]) end end on_control_selected (a_x, a_y, button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Execute the agents in `select_actions' -- The parameters are ignored but are needed to match the -- signature of the `pointer_button_press_actions' of `display'. -- EV_ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE [x, y, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER]] do ([Current]) end feature {FIELD_EDITOR_VIEW} -- Implementation label: EV_LABEL -- Displays the name (`key') if `is_label_shown' display: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Displays the `value'. label_position: INTEGER -- Where is the label displayed? (top, -- bottom, left, or right of the `display'. Label_top, Label_bottom, Label_left, Label_right, Label_none: INTEGER = unique -- Position of `label' in relation to display default_field: FIELD -- Create a field to be used if Current was `default_create'd. -- The anchor for `field'. deferred end Void_representation: STRING_32 -- A string with the value "Void". once create Result.make_from_string ("Void") ensure definition: equal (Result, ("Void").as_string_32) end invariant field_exists: field /= Void label_exists: label /= Void display_exists: display /= Void select_actions_exists: select_actions /= Void valid_change_actions_exists: valid_change_actions /= Void in_control_list_if_not_destroyed: not is_destroyed implies field.control_list.has (Current) not_in_control_list_if_destroyed: is_destroyed implies not field.control_list.has (Current) is_sensitive_definition: is_sensitive implies display.is_sensitive end