note description: "[ Used with EDITOR classes. Object which can be edited in a dialog box, an {EDITOR} using a format stored in a `schema'. ]" date: "7 Mar 03" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" copyright: "Copyright 2012, Jimmy J. Johnson" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)" URL: "$URL: file:///F:/eiffel_repositories/jj_vision/trunk/interface/system/editable.e $" date: "$Date: 2012-03-16 14:05:07 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2012) $" revision: "$Revision: 7 $" class EDITABLE inherit TIME_STAMPABLE redefine default_create -- infix "<" end create default_create feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create do Precursor {TIME_STAMPABLE} create data_table.make (5) schema_imp := Default_schema end feature -- Access value (a_key: STRING): detachable ANY -- The value associated with `key' or Void if none. require key_exists: a_key /= Void do Result := data_table.item (a_key) end schema: SCHEMA -- Used to construct a dialog in which to edit the values -- which are then stored in `data_table'. require schema_available: is_schema_available do check attached schema_imp as s then Result := s end ensure result_exists: Result /= Void end display_name: STRING_32 -- Used as an "out" value for display in TOOLs and other widgets. do if attached {STRING_32} value (schema.identifying_field.label) as s then Result := s else Result := end end feature -- Element change set_target_label_field (a_field: STRING_FIELD) -- Change the field used to display an identifier in the tools, etc. -- This is really in the `schema' of the editable. require field_exists: a_field /= Void local w: JJ_MAIN_WINDOW do schema.set_identifying_field (a_field) -- Because `target_label_field' is posibly used by all views, when it changes -- all views must be updated because there is no way for the view to know -- if it contains `target_label_field'. Originally `target_label_field' -- was added to the views using `add_object' (see VIEW), but using a FIELD -- implies some EDITABLEs in the system. I wanted the "Standard Interface" -- cluster to stand alone and not need the "Dynamic Editor" cluster to which -- this class belongs. check attached {JJ_APPLICATION} (create {EV_ENVIRONMENT}).application as a then -- because only JJ_APPLICATIONS should use this. really ??? -- Get hold of any VIEW; `first_window' will work. w := a.first_window w.draw_all_views end end set_schema (a_schema: like schema) -- Change `schema' indirectly by changing `schema_imp'. require schema_exists: a_schema /= Void do schema_imp := a_schema ensure schema_was_set: schema = a_schema end remove_schema -- Make `schema_imp' Void do schema_imp := Void ensure schema_imp_void: schema = Void end extend_value (a_value: ANY; a_key: STRING) -- Add `a_value' to the `data_table' and associate it with `a_key' -- and accessable through feature `value'. -- NOTE: `a_value' can be Void. require key_exists: a_key /= Void value_exists: a_value /= Void -- temp do data_table.force (a_value, a_key) ensure has_value: a_value /= Void implies data_table.has_item (a_value) has_key: data_table.has (a_key) end remove_value (a_key: STRING) -- Remove the value associated with `a_key' and `a_key'. require key_exists: a_key /= Void do data_table.remove (a_key) ensure not_has_value: not data_table.has (a_key) not_has_key: not data_table.has (a_key) end -- extend_with_field (a_value: ANY; a_field: FIELD) is -- -- Change the value of the data as index using the `name' from `a_field'. -- -- NOTE: `a_value' can be Void. -- require -- field_exists: a_field /= Void -- schema_has_field: schema.has (a_field) -- do -- extend (a_value, a_field.label) -- ensure -- has_value: a_value /= Void implies data_table.has_item (a_value) -- has_key: data_table.has (a_field.label) -- end -- change (a_control: VALUE_KEY_PAIR) is -- -- Change the `value' in Current to the value stored in `a_control' -- -- NOTE: `a_control' contains a `key' / `value' pair. -- do -- data_table.force (a_control.value, a_control.key) -- end remove_unreachable_data -- Remove any data from this EDITABLE that cannot be -- accessed using the keys in `a_key_set' or the -- `keys' in `template'. do end feature -- Status report is_schema_available: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have a schema? do Result := schema_imp /= Void end feature -- Query has_schema (a_schema: SCHEMA): BOOLEAN -- Does `schema' equal `a_schema'? require schema_exists: a_schema /= Void do Result := schema = a_schema end has_value (a_key: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is there a value associated with `a_key'? require key_exists: a_key /= Void do (a_key) Result := data_table.found end feature -- Comparison is_less alias "<" (a_other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is Current less than `a_other'? -- This uses the `keys' from `schema' first and then the `id'. do if not (Current = a_other) then if schema = Void and a_other.schema = Void then Result := Current < a_other elseif schema /= Void and a_other.schema = Void then Result := True elseif schema = Void and a_other.schema /= Void then Result := False elseif schema /= Void and a_other.schema /= Void then Result := compare_key_values (a_other) end end ensure then zero_schemas: (schema = Void and a_other.schema = Void) implies Result = (Current < a_other) one_schema_current: (schema /= Void and a_other.schema = Void) implies Result one_schema_other: (schema = Void and a_other.schema /= Void) implies not Result same_schema_both: (schema /= Void and a_other.schema /= Void) implies Result = compare_key_values (a_other) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation compare_key_values (a_other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is Current less than `a_other' when comparing keys? -- Feature to decompose `infix "<"'. require other_exists: a_other /= Void schema_exists: schema /= Void other_schema_exists: a_other.schema /= Void local keys: LINKED_SET [STRING] k: STRING done: BOOLEAN do keys := schema.keys if schema /= a_other.schema then keys.intersect (a_other.schema.keys) end from keys.start until done or else keys.exhausted loop k := keys.item -- Now compare the values. If both are Void (can happen) or reference -- the same object (unlikely or imposible) then just continue to -- the next key. If they are not equal then do comparison. if attached {COMPARABLE} value (k) as c and attached {COMPARABLE} a_other.value (k) as other_c then Result := c < other_c done := True end keys.forth end -- At this point we have either made a determination using the -- values at the keys, in which case `done' will be true, or we -- have exhausted the keys without making a determination. In -- the second case compare the `id' features; this should be -- true if Current was created before `a_other'. (Feature `id' -- incorporates a `time_stamp'.) if not done then Result := < end end feature {NONE}-- Implementation schema_imp: detachable like schema -- Implementation of `schema'. Set by `set_schema' and -- removed by `remove_schema. -- NOTE: The FIELDs in a SCHEMA will determine the keys to be -- used in `data_table' and will be used to build the controls -- for obtaining the values asscociated with the keys. data_table: HASH_TABLE [ANY, STRING] -- The actual data is stored here. Default_schema: SCHEMA -- Schema available to all EDITABLEs once create Result end invariant -- data_table_exists: data_table /= Void end