note description: "[ Describes this particular port ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" class ANDAMAN_ISLANDS inherit GREEN_PORT redefine make end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_game: like game) -- Set up Current do Precursor (a_game) nationality := {NATIONALITY_CONSTANTS}.us defining_position := [20, 220] end feature -- Access name: STRING_8 = "Andaman Islands" -- This name of this item. defining_position: TUPLE [x, y: INTEGER_32] -- The x- and y-coordinate (in millimeters) of Current's -- position relative to the top-left corner of the board. adjacent_sea_areas: LINEAR [SEA_AREA] -- A list of all sea areas that touch this location local s: LINKED_SET [SEA_AREA] once create s.make s.extend (game.bay_of_bengal) Result := s.linear_representation end end