note description: "[ Class combining the various widget factories into one. ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" date: "5/15/24" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2024, Jimmy J. Johnson" license: "Eiffel Forum v2 (" class ALL_WIDGETS_FACTORY inherit ATTACK_WIDGETS_FACTORY redefine make_widgets, extend_widgets, pair_widgets, fill_widgets end LOCATION_WIDGITS_FACTORY redefine make_widgets, extend_widgets, pair_widgets, fill_widgets end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_widgets -- Create widgets for the corresponding game item -- for each of the ancestors do -- create all_widgets.make (100) print ("ALL_WIDGETS_FACTORY.make_widgets %N") Precursor {ATTACK_WIDGETS_FACTORY} Precursor {LOCATION_WIDGITS_FACTORY} print ("%T end ALL_WIDGETS_FACTORY.make_widgets %N") end --feature -- Access -- all_widgets: VITP_WIDGET_TABLE [VITP_WIDGET, VITP_ITEM] -- -- Keeps track of all widgets feature {NONE} -- Implementation extend_widgets -- Put each widget into `world' -- for each of the ancetors do Precursor {ATTACK_WIDGETS_FACTORY} Precursor {LOCATION_WIDGITS_FACTORY} -- widgets.merge (attack_widgets) -- widgets.merge (location_widgets) end pair_widgets -- Associate each widget with a unit -- for each of the ancestors do Precursor {ATTACK_WIDGETS_FACTORY} Precursor {LOCATION_WIDGITS_FACTORY} end fill_widgets -- Call `set_target' to give each widget a target -- for each of the ancestors do Precursor {ATTACK_WIDGETS_FACTORY} Precursor {LOCATION_WIDGITS_FACTORY} end end