note description: "[ Used to hold a CHART_VIEW in the VITP game program. ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" class CHART_TOOL inherit VITP_TOOL redefine create_interface_objects, initialize, -- add_actions, set_target, draw end create default_create, make feature {NONE} -- Initialization create_interface_objects -- Create objects to be used by `Current' in `initialize' -- Implemented by descendants to create attached objects -- in order to adhere to void-safety due to the implementation bridge pattern. do Precursor {VITP_TOOL} create japanese_oa_chart_view.make (vitp) create allied_oa_chart_view.make (vitp) create allied_starting_forces_view.make (vitp) end initialize -- Build the interface for this window do Precursor {VITP_TOOL} disable_history split_manager.extend (japanese_oa_chart_view) split_manager.extend (allied_starting_forces_view) split_manager.set_vertical split_manager.extend (allied_oa_chart_view) end -- add_actions -- -- Add actions to views -- do -- Precursor ---- japanese_oa_chart_view.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_pressed (japanese_oa_chart_view, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) ---- allied_oa_chart_view.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_pressed (allied_oa_chart_view, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) ---- allied_starting_forces_view.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_pressed (allied_starting_forces_view, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) -- allied_starting_forces_view.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent on_enter) -- allied_starting_forces_view.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_pressed (allied_starting_forces_view, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) -- end feature {NONE} -- Agent actions on_enter -- Test actions do io.put_string ( + ".on_enter: %N") end on_pressed (a_view: ORDER_OF_APPEARANCE_VIEW; ax, ay, button: INTEGER; ax_tilt, ay_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- I was going to use this feature for setting the `focused_view' -- when the user clicks within one of the views, but it never gets -- called (so I commented out `add_actions'). I bet the event -- loop never checks for `pointer_press_actions'. ??? do io.put_string ( + ".on_pressed: " + + "%N") focused_view_imp := a_view end feature -- Access -- target: VITP_GAME japanese_oa_chart_view: JAPANESE_ORDER_OF_APPEARANCE_CHART_VIEW -- The view representing the Japanese order of appearance allied_oa_chart_view: ALLIED_ORDER_OF_APPEARANCE_CHART_VIEW -- The view representing the Allied ordr of appearance allied_starting_forces_view: ALLIED_STARTING_FORCES_VIEW -- The view reprsenting the Allied, turn 1, starting forces chart focused_view: VITP_CELL_VIEW -- The view that currently has the focus do if attached focused_view_imp as v and then v.is_displayed then Result := v else if japanese_oa_chart_view.is_displayed then Result := japanese_oa_chart_view elseif allied_oa_chart_view.is_displayed then Result := allied_oa_chart_view elseif allied_starting_forces_view.is_displayed then Result := allied_starting_forces_view else -- Unlikely, but all view are hidden, so default Result := japanese_oa_chart_view end end end feature -- Element change set_target (a_game: like vitp) -- Change the value of `target' and add it to the `target_set' (the set -- of objects contained in this view. The old target is removed from -- the set. do Precursor {VITP_TOOL} (a_game) japanese_oa_chart_view.set_target (a_game) allied_oa_chart_view.set_target (a_game) allied_starting_forces_view.set_target (a_game) end set_focused_view (a_view: ORDER_OF_APPEARANCE_VIEW) -- Set `focused_view' to `a_view'. -- Called by {ORDER_OF_APPEARANCE_VIEW} when `a_view' was clicked require valid_view: a_view = japanese_oa_chart_view or a_view = allied_oa_chart_view or a_view = allied_starting_forces_view do focused_view_imp := a_view end feature -- Basic operations draw -- Redraw the tool and the contained view do Precursor {VITP_TOOL} japanese_oa_chart_view.draw allied_oa_chart_view.draw end feature {NONE} -- Implementation focused_view_imp: detachable like focused_view -- Implementaion of `focused_view' end