note description: "[ A widget connecting interface to a {SUBMARINE} for use in VITP. ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" class SUBMARINE_WIDGET inherit ATTACK_UNIT_WIDGET rename unit as submarine redefine position_widgets, unit_color, paint, target_imp end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization position_widgets -- Move Current and contained widgets to correct -- location and set their sizes do Precursor {ATTACK_UNIT_WIDGET} picture.scale (0.1) end feature -- Basic operations paint -- Set the colors for the `tile' do Precursor {ATTACK_UNIT_WIDGET} bonus_circle.set_foreground_color (japanese_unit_color) bonus_circle.set_background_color (japanese_unit_color) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation unit_color: EV_COLOR -- Get the color to paint the tile based on the unit's nationality do if submarine.nationality = {NATIONALITY_CONSTANTS}.Japanese then Result := Japanese_submarine_color elseif submarine.nationality = {NATIONALITY_CONSTANTS}.us then Result := US_submarine_color else check should_not_happen: False end Result := Green end end target_imp: detachable SUBMARINE -- Anchor for the `target' represented by Current end