note description: "[ A {CONTROL} which allows the editting of a {COMPARABLE}. ]" date: "24 Feb 04" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" copyright: "Copyright 2009, Jimmy J. Johnson" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)" URL: "$URL: file:///F:/eiffel_repositories/jj_vision/trunk/interface/controls/comparable_control.e $" date: "$Date: 2012-03-16 14:05:07 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2012) $" revision: "$Revision: 7 $" deferred class COMPARABLE_CONTROL inherit CONTROL redefine value, default_field end feature -- Access value: COMPARABLE -- A new object represented by the display. -- Define to convert the display into the -- desired type. do check attached {COMPARABLE} Precursor as c then Result := c end end feature {FIELD_EDITOR_VIEW} -- Implementation default_field: COMPARABLE_FIELD -- Create a field to be used if Current was `default_create'd. -- The anchor for `field'. deferred end end