note description: "[ A widget that can appear bright or dim ]" author: "Jimmy J. Johnson" deferred class DIMABLE inherit ANY redefine default_create end feature -- Initialization default_create -- Set the default `dimming_level' do dimming_level := Dimmer previous_dimming_level := Dimmest end feature -- Access dimming_level: INTEGER_32 -- The amount colors will be dimmed -- (One of `Dim', `Dimmer', or `Dimmest') previous_dimming_level: INTEGER_32 -- Used to `restore' to the prior dimming level Bright: INTEGER = 0 Normal: INTEGER_32 = 7 Dim: INTEGER = 10 Dimmer: INTEGER_32 = 15 Dimmest: INTEGER_32 = 20 feature -- Element change set_dimming_level (a_level: like dimming_level) -- Change the `dimming_level' require valid_level: a_level = Bright or a_level = Normal or a_level = Dim or a_level = Dimmer or a_level = Dimmest do -- io.put_string ("DIMABLE.set_dimming_level -- ") -- if attached {VITP_ITEM} Current as v then -- io.put_string ("on " + -- else -- io.put_string (" on? " + generating_type) -- end -- io.put_string (" from " + previous_dimming_level.out) -- io.put_string (" to " + dimming_level.out + "%N") previous_dimming_level := dimming_level dimming_level := a_level end feature -- Basic operations restore_dimming_level -- Set the `dimming_level' to the `previous_dimming_level' do set_dimming_level (previous_dimming_level) end feature -- Status report is_bright: BOOLEAN -- Should the resulting colors be "bright"? do Result := dimming_level = Bright end is_normal: BOOLEAN -- Should the resulting colors be "normal"? do Result := dimming_level = Normal end is_dimmed: BOOLEAN -- Should the resulting colors be "dim"? do Result := dimming_level = Dim end is_more_dimmed: BOOLEAN -- Should the resulting colors be "dimmer"? do Result := dimming_level = Dimmer end is_completely_dimmed: BOOLEAN -- Should the resulting colors be "dimmest"? do Result := dimming_level = Dimmest end feature -- Status setting set_bright -- Change the color dimming level to "bright do set_dimming_level (Bright) end set_normal -- Change the `dimming_level' to "normal" do set_dimming_level (normal) end set_dimmed -- Change the color dimming level to "dim" do set_dimming_level (Dim) end set_more_dimmed -- Change the color dimming level to `Dimmer' do set_dimming_level (Dimmer) end set_completely_dimmed -- Change the color dimming level to `Dimmest' do set_dimming_level (Dimmest) end feature -- Query adjusted_color (a_color: EV_COLOR): EV_COLOR -- A new color from `a_color' adjusted based on the `dimming_level' require color_exists: a_color /= Void do fader.set_color (a_color) Result := fader.i_th_lighter (dimming_level) end dim_color (a_color: EV_COLOR): EV_COLOR -- A new color based on `a_color' at a "faded" level require color_exists: a_color /= Void do fader.set_color (a_color) Result := fader.i_th_lighter (Dim) end dimmer_color (a_color: EV_COLOR): EV_COLOR -- A new color based on `a_color' at a "faded" level require color_exists: a_color /= Void do fader.set_color (a_color) Result := fader.i_th_lighter (Dimmer) end dimmest_color (a_color: EV_COLOR): EV_COLOR -- A new color based on `a_color' at a "faded" level require color_exists: a_color /= Void do fader.set_color (a_color) Result := fader.i_th_lighter (Default_step_count) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation fader: COLOR_FADER -- Used to calculate a new color based on some initial color and dimming level once create Result Result.set_count (Default_step_count) end Default_step_count: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- Number of variable color settings used in the `fader' invariant valid_dimming_level: dimming_level = Bright or dimming_level = Normal or dimming_level = Dim or dimming_level = Dimmer or dimming_level = Dimmest end